Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wednesday Night

Well I have two blog posts in the making, but neither are ready for publishing yet. They need some revision... And I really am not sure what to write about. So here's the reader's digest version of my day.

Basically my day went something like this:

Woke up at 6, got out of bed at 6:30, got ready in 20 minutes (I am the queen of always being just a little late to work every day), worked, ate lunch, worked, watched it snow from work, left work, went to pick up Talia at daycare, got her home, ate birthday cake, fed Talia dinner, watched Talia feed herself dinner, ate pasta, watched her try and play peek-a-boo with herself, stared at the computer wondering what to write about, read about Obamacare being repealed (whoot! sorry to you who disagree- no personal offense, and I still love you all!), and then decided to just write about a whole lot of stuff that probably nobody really cares about, but too bad. :)

Talia did do some fun baby games tonight that are truly unique. She has three particular favorites: Baby Dentist, Point, and Upside Down Baby. 

Baby Dentist involves her prying open my mouth and examining my teeth, along with my tongue. And yes, I do let her do this. I know, I'm asking for it. Oh well, it's too dang cute! Plus I love watching how fascinated she gets with my teeth. I did discover a little issue with Baby Dentist tonight... I put too much garlic in her dinner and when she's that up close and personal it's a little overpowering... That girl needs a mint!

Point is basically that, pointing. She sees something, points to it, and then I have to point and touch her finger and say, "Point!" She cracks up every time. Kind of like the dogs in Up, but I don't like that analogy because (and I'm going to make a whole lot more enemies now, more so than the Obamacare statement) I really don't like that movie. Okay I said it, please don't crucify me! I just think that was the biggest Epic Fail movie ever! They made it all epic, but failed... miserably... Okay please still be my friends! It really is okay to disagree... I promise...

Upside Down Baby is also self-explanatory, except that we also tick-tock back and forth while she's hanging upside down. Or we spin upside down. Or we dip up and down while spinning upside down. And apparently the world is super awesome upside down when you're 1, and for some reason it's even more awesome after dinnertime... 

Alright there's my quickly put together post for the night. Maybe some of you can fall asleep to it... I'm sure it's sleep worthy. :) Night!

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