Thursday, January 13, 2011


So most of the time I try to get myself to NOT panic over the fact that my baby girl is growing up. Sometimes my little pep talks help and other times not so much. For a long time a few months ago I would just bawl at the fact that she wasn't going to stay my baby forever. There are still some times like that now... Thank God they aren't as often.
I would be so sad over seeing how she would discover new things, learn to say words, crawl, walk, stand... Oh the list goes on. Well I have some good news! I'm no longer so incredibly sad over the fact that she is turning into a toddler (by the way, the terrible two's are not around 2 at all I don't think...).
In fact I'm so incredibly overjoyed that she is learning these new things! It makes it so much more exciting to hear her say "Daddy!" for the first time, sit at the big kid table for dinner, feed herself her food with a spoon, and charge down the hall like a rhino (all the while holding onto our hands for balance- and I like to think for comfort as well!).
Now we have this cute little bundle that we can rough house with, play games with, and have "conversations" with. She teaches me SO much about God everyday, in particular His patience... ah-hem...
She may have changed from this sweet little baby who didn't hardly move anywhere to this rambunctious (that could VERY easily be spelled wrong, and I'm an English major so I'll take the blame for it...) 1 year old that is giving us all a run for our money but blessing us immensely at the same time. But at least my heart has changed right along with her. I'm no longer trying desperately to hold onto the newborn that she was a year ago but rather embracing the little monkey that's swinging through the trees! Love ya babykins!

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