Saturday, January 15, 2011

Conversation with my husband

So I'm going to preface this post by saying that my husband and I are greatly in love, have a good relationship, and what I'm about to say does in no way "de-man" him and he knows it. I'm not sure you can "de-man" him- he's a Marine!

History: My husband is THE cook of all cooks. Yes I am biased, but once you eat something he's made, you'll be biased too. He can make the BEST food out of frozen veggies, ramen noodles, and left over chicken and it will taste like you should be paying $25 bucks for it. Me on the other hand- I have burned canned soup, and grilled chicken breast for 50 minutes... At least they were both done!!!

Lately: My last post was about me being able to stay home with my baby very soon (he has a very promising job that will God-willing allow him to quit his current job, make more money, etc. Plus God reaffirmed my need to be a stay at home mom/housewife/work from home gal about 50 more times today).

So, the conversation:

Him: "You know that when you stay home you'll have to cook more right?"

Me: "What? You can still cook..."

Him: "Yeah on occasion but not like I usually do now."

Me: "But... but... I'm not as good as you and I don't enjoy nearly as much..." (I can be so selfless, don't ya think? LOL)

Him: "Yeah... too bad. You'll get better the more you do it. I have faith in you."

So now everyone, I will be taking on a new career in addition to about the other 5 I got going on. Wish me luck! :)

P.S. I'm really not complaining. The times I have cooked it's gone fairly well. I just lack his imagination and love of cooking (I have more of a like for it...). He went to school for it and works in a restaurant now. I think I'm more afraid of not being as good as he is. His are hard shoes to fill in that department!

P.P.S. If anyone has any quick, easy, preferably healthy (not required though) meals they would like to share with me- let me know! Oooh, I could go over to I bet Renee has some good stuff.

Happy Saturday Night all! Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Girl, I am loving the blog. And I am so excited about the stay at home mom part!! I'll be waiting for more updates! :)
