Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Hello there blog-land! I am officially incorporated into this whole crazy online world now. :)  Don't worry, I will eventually figure out a way to make the graphics better and all that technical stuff... eventually...

Well I'm Sarah and I have a wonderful husband and sweet baby girl who just turned 1. They are my life (and God too of course). I have been wanting to write for such a long time. It took me a long time to find a blog name that wasn't already taken- hence the delay in my starting this blog. Well, that's one excuse anyway... There are definitely others.

There are a few main reasons I have wanted to desperately to start this.
One- I want to share with people my heart. I have a really hard time doing it with my mouth, so I figured an online mouth could definitely help me past that hurdle- at least for now. God has been really pressing to me that I need to share my experiences and current situations with people. I'm assuming so I can make people feel like they CAN get through whatever. I guess I have something to offer somewhere in this mess. It kind of reminds me of a family garage sale... You bring out all your junk, but if you look hard enough there's a few treasures. There's many times when God reveals something to me and I desperately want to shout it from the rooftop but haven't. One reason is that it's WAY to cold to be up on the roof shouting at night (which is usually when God shows me stuff) and also because everyone who I think to call is either in bed, at work, or otherwise occupied. But hey, online's always awake! :)
Two- I wanted to have yet another way to document my current life experiences for my baby girl. I have her baby book, two calendars that I record info for her in, a journal that I write to her, and of course pictures. But, even with all that, it's hard to make it feel like I won't forget something. I want to insure that she gets lots of the details to help her with her future experiences (you know, don't let history repeat itself and such). Plus those things get filled out here and there. Hopefully I can make this a much more consistent thing.

About the name? Well it came partly from a devotional I was reading (more on that later). It's called "From Faith to Faith" by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. It was talking about "stepping across the faith line" and following God and not caring about the natural realm or this world or about anything we can see or touch on earth. I had been trying to think of a name along the lines of "Stepping Up" "Serving Up" "Stepping out in faith" etc. So when I saw Stepping Across I was pretty excited (and it was AVAILABLE for a blog name- another miracle). Again, I'll explain more of that experience later.

I am also in the middle of hand writing in my journal to my daughter right now so gotta go! Can't wait to get to know you all!


  1. I LOVE your blog name!! :) And I love you too!!


  2. Ok, this is try number two, to see if I get it. oh! I see... I have to click "subscribe" on the side to receive follow-up comments. ...that's why I like better. :) When you're ready, I can show you how... although if you go to their site. It's pretty easy to set up. But do it soon, because you lose all previous comments by installing it, I think.

  3. See where you click "subscribe by email" just underneath where you write a comment?

  4. I am so excited for you!! I love following friends blogs, and love writing on mine. (Although I'm way behind, and really need to update!) I can't wait to hear more from you!
