Wednesday, March 2, 2011

This, That, and The Other

This: I have entirely too much to do today. I have taxes to finish- I promised myself they would be in the mail tomorrow. I do have a ways to go on that. I also have to work my business a little bit more today and that's overwhelming me too. Not to mention my house could always use more cleaning... 

That: I have completely fallen in love with my life lately! Being able to focus on the things that I've been longing too has been such an amazing blessing! I think the last time I had the chance to focus on my home, my business, and my baby was when I was on maternity leave a year ago. And let's face it- when you're on maternity leave you just don't have the energy to do anything except the bare minimum. So other than maternity leave- I really can't remember the last time I was able to focus on all the important things in my life. 

The Other: I have talked a lot about being able to be home with my baby and be a housewife. I LOVE those jobs probably more than I should. I say that because my husband has really shown me that I have neglected my most important relationship- God and me. And the sad part is that I know it, but I  haven't done anything to change it. Jesus has done so much for me, so much more than I realize. I am ashamed to say I take it all for granted. Just admitting that is painful. I mean, we're all human and we are sinners and we make mistakes and that's where Jesus comes in- to redeem us from those sins because He loves us SO much! I can't exactly expect to be completely perfect 24/7. But I do have to make an effort to be more like Him and follow His ways. My ways just don't work and end in nothingness, disappointment, and sometimes even disaster. Solution? I need to read His Word more, talk to Him more, and act on what He says. Why that's so hard for me to do, is beyond me.

 Thanks for listening... Apologies for dumping my heart on you all... :)

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