Saturday, March 19, 2011


I admit that I am not the best at praying on a regular basis. There are days where I will pray for a long time, with my whole heart, and I will totally feel the power of it. Other days will feel like it will take all of my energy to even say "hi" to God. I have been creating a new habit of reading my Bible, journaling, and praying and it is doing great things! I have a much better attitude, it stretches my brain, and it's making our family function a whole lot better. Being in fellowship with God releases so much power that it's mind-blowing and I, personally anyway, don't know why I haven't spent more time with Him before. Well, I know why I didn't, but I guess the better way to word that is I wish I had spent more time with Him before and made the sacrifices to make it happen (like waking up earlier in the morning, turning off the TV, etc.).

There have been so many answers to prayer lately, and not only my prayers. I know I'm always promoting her blog, but Renee has a story that I think so many people would be inspired, encouraged, and flat blown out of the water by! It showed me just how BIG our God is (well, not exactly because we can never know just how big He is on this side of eternity, but you get the idea...). He is truly out of this world AMAZING! In addition to that phenomenal story, He has completely taken care of us since I have quit my job and have been a stay at home mom. Our family is thriving- and not in a financial way. Our marriage and our parenting have skyrocketed. We have been able to minister to other people and we have grown so much as a family. I really believe that God has shown us how we need to live our lives- GOD first, family second, career third. In this country that philosophy is not popular at all and is really hard to live by. But with Christ all things are possible!

Be encouraged- even though you don't see the results you want in your life right now, just believe that you are sowing seeds and working the ground so that they may come to be a full harvest one day. It may not happen overnight, but I truly believe that God truly will do remarkable things as long as you involve Him in your plans. Talk to Him, tell Him your concerns and fears, laugh with Him. He wants what is best for us and although it may be hard it will definitely be worth it. We may not even see the results of our hard work in this life, but we will definitely have something beyond-our-comprehension-awesome that we can look forward too.

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