Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Okay, first off I'm super frustrated! I am so mad at Hotmail right now! They locked/closed/shut down/blocked my email account! They didn't tell me why, and I can't talk to anyone. I have to rely on their stupid message board type of correspondence to even see if they will let me back in it... GRR! Okay done on that rant- here's the positive in the situation:

Positive #1: I have a secondary email that I can use.
Positive #2: I still have my facebook and blog.

Positive #3: I was wanting a different email anyway since the one I had was from middle school...

Positive #4: I get a new beginning!

Positive #5: No more crazy junk mail (for now anyway).

Ahhhh that feels much better. I'm so glad I just got that out of the way and now I can move on from Hotmail. Of course, I won't be able to access a lot of my contacts... wait I'm being negative again... Time for a subject change.
Let's see- Talia is either teething, sick, or both. I can't tell for the life of me! It's either REALLY bad teething or a slight head cold. Maybe I'll never know... 

Talia also started walking 2 days ago! I'm so excited! She's the cutest when she does it. She will stand, grin really big, take a few steps and giggle so hard she falls down. I LOVE IT! She does too obviously and I think she'll be up and running in a very short time. I thought I would be all sad when she would reach these new stages (like my baby is growing up... sniffle sniffle) but I'm actually (and surprisingly) very excited and happy! I can't wait (well really I can... but you know what I mean) for the next things she'll learn and do. Like talking- she still jabbers on about who knows what. Some of her words are "eesh" and "ah-ooh" but I think she just likes hearing herself "talk." I really don't think she associates things with words quite yet. Maybe Mama and Dada but that's about it. Of course she knows A TON! She knows exactly what her Snuggle Bear is, her Snuggle Lamb, her shoes, her sippy cup, cheerios, her Violet dog, her puppy (it's actually ginormous- about 3-4 feet long... best $20 my  mom ever spent), her Bible, MY Bible, "no"- not that she listens, but she does know what it means... ah-hem.

So I'm probably boring those of you without kids, so I'll try and wrap this up.

Three closing remarks tonight. These are super profound by the way... ah-hem... well I guess 1 out of 3 ain't bad...

#1: God is SO good and loves us more than we could ever understand.

#2: Organizing your office (after you've done taxes and there are papers everywhere) while a baby is crawling around is IMPOSSIBLE!

#3: White Cranberry Strawberry juice is positively delicious!

#4 (yeah I know- I told you there would only be 3... my bad) This is from Talia- packing peanuts are great to tear apart and super tasty too!

Good Night!

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