Sunday, March 27, 2011

Highlight of My Day

We had my brother-in-law and his son over today for a BBQ and games and such. Yes, the BBQ was very cold. Most of it was done inside and then my husband burned the ribs to boot, but it was still fun and tasty.

After we had hung out at home for a long time, we went to Coldstone for ice cream. My nephew had a chocolate ice cream cone and was prancing around outside while we enjoyed the last bit of sunshine. Us adults were jokingly wondering how long it would take for the ice cream to fall to the ground. Well, my nephew decided to jump off a little landing and he ate it. He completely fell on the cold concrete. We all asked if he was okay and he says (he's crying as he says this), "I'm hurt, but my ice cream's okay!" We all look at the ice cream cone and it is indeed in one piece!!!

I, being the could-be-better-aunt that I am, start busting out laughing while my brother-in-law is trying to console my poor nephew. Whoops...

But at least he's got the concept of not making a mess and save-the-dessert/snack/drink-above-all-else mentality down! Way to go little man!

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