Sunday, February 6, 2011


So I'm outing myself when I say that Nick and I... don't have... a... TV. 

Now let me explain:

Those of you who have been to our home know there's a TV in our home because it's gigantuan and near impossible to miss- it's about 5 feet long by 5 feet tall by 3 feet deep. But all we use it for is movies. Yes, it's sad. Our poor TV has been demoted and now lives a boring life of just movie playing and doesn't get to share any fun new commercials with us or depress us with the evening news. It really has been quite traumatic for the TV. We would have slowly weaned it off of the commercial and news addiction that it had gotten it self into, but unfortunately we didn't have that option. We had two options: upgrade to the digital and keep feeding our TV's addiction to commercials and news or just let it go cold turkey. We opted for the cold turkey. We couldn't allow our precious TV to follow in its past ways- it may have never gotten out of the rut that it was in. 

There's a happy ending though! Our TV has been able to battle the withdrawal symptoms and has (I'm proud to say) come out on top! It is now a proud movie only playing TV and if it could talk, it would tell you that it is the better for it. It no longer fills itself up with the garbage of the world and then shares it with us, but rather only shows us the stuff we wish to see (although sometimes that does tend to be garbage anyway, but we're a work in progress just like the TV). 

So for my friends who are happily watching the Super Bowl, I am sad for now. I do wish our TV could share that with us, especially the commercials. But for now, we'll find a movie. Or maybe no movie at all. Perhaps we'll just play together as a family tonight and enjoy some yummy food. 

P.S. I do want to know who wins!!! :)

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