Wednesday, February 2, 2011


So here it is. I have no clue how to blog. I know how to type, and obviously that's as far as I've gotten. I should put up pictures or make a fancy design, but I don't know how and I don't have the time either... So apologies all around for having the most boring blog ever. I promise it won't last forever! For now, you'll have to listen to my rambling... No complaints yet, so that's good.

There's not too much new here, minus our car troubles (more on that later- going to try and focus on the positive for now) and we're all doing better. Talia is FINALLY eating again and doing much better with teething and being cranky. We actually had a wonderful night tonight! She and I ate and played (pictures to come of the eating...) and she was laughing all night long. It's been a long time since I have heard her crack up for hours on end and I LOVE IT!!! It was a blast to just hang out with her, eat some yummy grilled cheese, and crawl around together. I swear, she's the most fun kid ever! ;)  Thank you so much for all of your advice and prayers. I really appreciate you all!

Also, I am SO grateful to my friend and coworker who gave me a ride home from work and even went out to Talia's daycare and back to my house. I don't know what I would have done without her! She was such a great blessing and I can't thank her enough. Maybe lunch will be in store for her tomorrow... She deserves it!

I think the rest of my night is going to consist of strategizing, a little worrying, and calling various people to figure things out- so for now I'm off. Hopefully I can squeeze some relaxing in there too.

Night everyone and God bless and stay warm!

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