Oi-vey! That's what I have to say after today.
It started out very well. We all slept in. One of my oldest and dearest friends came over- and we had a blast! Maybe I should of had her come over this evening- that way my day could have ended on a much better note.
I think sometime around nap time I got the mail. (Side note, getting the mail is pretty much the highlight of my day, although I'm not really sure why.) In it was a Netflix movie (yay!) and our annual letter from our homeowners insurance company. Now our premium does tend to fluctuate, but this was just ridiculous! They upped it by $200!! (Another side note, what happened to the "no new taxes" thing Obama? ah-hem... I better stop before I get REALLY riled up... 638 days left!) So needless to say we spent a good portion of the afternoon shopping for different homeowners insurance.
Again, babykins decided to put on her cranky pants this afternoon. Why she feels the need to even keep her cranky pants is beyond me. So I had a whiney pumpkin on my hands. Love her dearly but when she follows me around for hours, tugging at my legs, and whimpering- it's draining. She went to bed at 7- a good half hour/45 minutes earlier than normal. And she went right to sleep so I guess that's a very good sign.
I prayed at least 3 times this afternoon for patience with her.
I listened to a recorded conference call for my Mary Kay business. That was great, minus that babykins wanted entertained the entire time so I kind of half listened to it.
I put on Facebook that I really wanted to go to our church's Good Friday service tonight. I wasn't even sure how I was going to do it because it was a family service which means they don't have childcare. I was picturing me chasing her around the sanctuary for the entire hour and a half and not getting a thing out of the service, other than a good workout. Around 6 I realized we weren't going due to the extra dose of cranky pants. Was I disappointed? Yes and no. In a lot of ways it was nice to just put her to bed and then have the evening to re-group, but I still would have liked to go. I even tried to listen online, but for some reason they didn't broadcast it. I was more disappointed about that...
So now I sit, quietly in my house, debating on taking Tylenol for my headache. I am then realizing something. 2000 years ago Jesus hung on a cross in excruciating pain. In all kinds of pain even! Physical, spiritual, and emotional pain. He didn't have the luxury of painkillers. He endured the pain. For us. All the sin of the world He took upon Himself because He loves us. In His great love, he took on the yuck I dealt with today. He took on my frustration, my impatience, my anger, my unforgiving spirit, and my downright grumpiness. He's willing to take it away, but I have to release it. I have to say, "Lord, take it. I am sorry for living that way today. Help me to be more like You. Take away the parts of me that are sinful, destructive to me and others, not glorifying to You, and please replace them with the fruit of the spirit (love, joy, PEACE, PATIENCE, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, GENTLENESS, and SELF-CONTROL)." I added the caps to those 4 specific ones because boy do I need those today! I need all 9 of them of course, but those 4 were really lacking today.
I am now deciding to give today's yuck up. Circumstances come and go. Ups and downs happen. Life is cyclical. The bad and the good are going to come. So do I panic about the bad? No! I am now choosing to have a stilled heart and spirit in the power of Christ. "Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature..." Galations 5:24
I am crucifying my sinful nature.
This has been a good Friday. A very Good Friday.
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