Saturday, May 14, 2011

I am thankful

Someone told me recently to write down all the things I'm thankful for. It's been hard for me to get started because my mind has been thinking, "But I don't have this, or this, or this..." I know once I write those things down my mindset will change its focus. So I have decided to write down all the things I'm thankful for and share them on my blog. That way it will be harder for me to go back to that place of un-thankfulness because, well, it's posted online for crying out loud! :)

So here it goes:

I am thankful for my husband. He's my closest friend, takes very good care of me, supports me, loves me unconditionally, and is the one person I can act like a complete dork around and he's fine with it. He pushes me to seek God more and takes care of baby when I'm ready to go completely crazy from her Terrible Two Tirades. I love him!

I am thankful for my babykins. She's the cutest thing ever, full of personality, super funny, makes the best faces, teaches me so much about everything, and fills my heart with joy. She's not a half bad workout either...

I am thankful for Jesus. Even though I struggle to completely follow Him and be more like Him, I'm thankful He doesn't get frustrated and leave me where I'm at. I'm glad that no matter how much I screw up, He'll still be there to forgive me as long as I ask Him. I'm thankful I have hope and am loved beyond measure, even if I don't feel like it sometimes.

I'm thankful for us being able to afford everything we need and not have to rely on outside assistance.

I'm thankful for my Mary Kay business. Although I may not work it like I should, I am grateful that I have the flexibility to work as little or as much as I want and that I can transform it into whatever I want it to be.

I am thankful for my Mary Kay sisters. They mean so much to me and are the best support system. They push me to be better, love me where I'm at, and will always be there.

I am thankful for my daughter's Terrible Twos because it tells me she's normal.

I am thankful for all the mold, water damage, rot, who-knows-what-else that is consuming our house because it means we can make our house a better place to live.

I am thankful for trials and tribulations because it makes the seasons of abundance that much more abundant.

I am thankful for my husband's job because it provides for us and I believe it will lead to something much better in the future.

I am thankful for the job I had for 2 1/2 years because of some great friends I made there and the hilarious memories I have. Side note- just in case you all didn't know, FedEx has boats... hehe!

I am thankful for the rain, snow, sleet, hail, and wind because it keeps life from being too boring. Not to mention I truly love rain and snow and could probably be happy in Seattle. :)

I am thankful for Dayquil, Niquil, Tylenol, Motrin, Claritin, Benadryl, and Kleenex. I've been sick and allery-y so these things have been on my mind a lot lately...

I am thankful for friends who I can vent to and they still love me anyway, even after I've dumped all my garbage on them. (By the way, if you're one of those friends- my apologies for dumping on you...)

I am thankful for instances that are not so pretty because they make me realize just how good I have it.

I am thankful for all the stuff we have that we don't need and/or don't deserve. Which leads me to say I'm thankful for garage sales/craigslist so I can get rid of a lot of that stuff and someone else gets a bargain!

I am thankful for all the leaders I have.

I am thankful for all these things and so much more! I am blessed beyond measure and Lord knows I don't deserve it.